Our People
Faculty & Staff & Board of Trustees
Pedagogical Director
Early Childhood Program: Preschool & Kindergarten
Lower School: Grades 1 - 5
Middle School: Grades 6 - 8
Specialty Subjects
Board of Trustees
The business and affairs of The Waldorf School of Atlanta are managed by The Board of Trustees. The Board is a self-electing body comprised of parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and/or members of the community that have applicable business, non-profit, or legal experience or who have training in Waldorf Education. Committees of the Board include Governance, Finance, Campus & Grounds, Marketing, and Development.
The Board carries the legal and financial responsibilities of the school. Its functions include budget review/approval, fundraising, site planning and development, and accountability.

“We Are Many. We are One.”
Artist & WSA Parent, Kimberly Fulton
2024-2025 WSA Board Members:
John Ghose, President
Julie Reeves, Vice President
Chris Shahda, Interim Treasurer
Hannah Krawczyk, Secretary
Francisco Moreno
Lisa Novak
Madison Keiger
Jason Kimbell
Ronny Lerch
Sean Reisz
Johnathan St. Clair
Simona Chitescu Weik
Non-voting Attendees:
Abby Wright, Pedagogical Director
Susan Newborn, Operations Manager
All are welcome to attend the monthly Board Meetings. WSA’s Event Calendar includes meeting time and dates.
To request meeting minutes, click the button below.
BoT Meeting Minutes Request
We are dedicated to our Mission and are always looking for members who are interested in joining us in our work. To express interest in serving on the Board of Trustees or joining a Committee, please complete the form below.
Board of Trustees Inquiry Form