ms. rubio, grade 8 teacher
Describe a lesson plan that exceeded your expectations when you taught it.
One of my favorite lesson plans is to take the 7th grade students on bike rides during our Mechanics block. We learn the simple machines that are associated with a bicycle and we also learn the rules to riding a bicycle safely in the city. It meets the 7th graders in their need to go out and explore the world beyond their immediate community, and it also meets them because the world has very specific rules/boundaries that must be followed or serious consequences can occur. It's a great way to meet the class in a very practical way. I love the Mechanics block, I love biking, I love the kids, and those loves come together in 7th grade.
ms. bella, grade 2 TEACHER
Students and teachers have a special connection. How do you make those connections?
The special connections happen when you truly listen and care about each voice. I love getting to know each and every one of the children at The Waldorf School of Atlanta, all of their quirks and idiosyncrasies. In 2023, I was blessed to be somewhat of a “school fairy” and step in wherever I was needed, giving me the opportunity to connect with the entire community of students.
ms. novak, eurythmy assistant &
extended day director
Students and teachers have a special connection. How do you make those connections?
I am fortunate to have connections with so many students since I wear many hats at WSA. For me, working in Extended Day over the years has given me a wonderful opportunity to really connect with students individually. I make these connections since I love the kids and I am interested in knowing more about them.
Ms. Knight, Early Childhood Teacher
In which other teacher’s class would you like to enroll, even for a day? Why?
Ms. Luba's Morning Garden! Morning Garden is so nourishing for both parent and child. It is what hooked me into Waldorf Education!
What’s the most hilarious thing a student has ever said in your class?
When I worked in the Kindergarten, a student had a really rough couple of days and her mom made her come back inside at dismissal to apologize. She said, "Ms. Evanovich, I'm really sorry about today, and I'm sorry about tomorrow too."
ms. silk, grade 5 teacher
What can you cook to perfection? Are you willing to share the recipe?
I love to cook my mom's prosciutto pasta. It is one of her classic Italian recipes that we all love. The marjoram is key :) And definitely, just come join me and my mama in the kitchen. Bring your fresh tomatoes and sherry!
ms. pins, early childhood teacher
Why Waldorf?
For me, it's a place that values and encourages real human connection and touch, which is what feeds and nourishes our souls.
Ms. Ellis, Grade 6 teacher
Why Waldorf?
This education has given my four children the tremendous gift of unfolding as unique human beings by following their own timelines. Having a HS senior that has been enrolled in Waldorf education for over 15 years, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible depth of learning that is possible.
ms. sondi, early childhood teacher
In which other teacher’s class would you like to enroll, even for a day? Why?
I would like to enroll in Ms. Annie's class. When my family came to the school, we opted to enroll both children in the five-day program. I regretted not putting my daughter in Ms. Annie's... I'm still not over the loss!!
mr. edelstein, ukulele teacher
Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?
There’s no traffic on the extra mile.
Movement & Games/Woodwork Teacher, Core Faculty
Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?
"The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time."
J. London